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Returning To Blogging

Am I allowed to be here or have I not written for so long I've been banished?

If you'll have me, I'd love to have a catch-up and explain my lack of attendance.

Sooooo, it's been a while and A LOT has happened since I last wrote including getting full time work on a farm, meeting my soulmate, visiting Blackpool with said soulmate and so much more which I'll try and cover in this post.

I suppose perhaps the part you may have raised your eyebrows up the most at would be me getting work on a farm. Yes, an actual farm. After completing my college course amidst the height of the pandemic and giving up hope in actually finding work on a farm, by some miracle (or manifestation) I ended up finding a farm that would teach me the ropes.

I've been working on the farm now since July 2021 and I have to say it's really the best job I've ever had. Over the past month or so I've been going through some mental struggles of whether it's where I want to be or not and to be quite honest I'm still not 100% sure if this is it or there's more to come yet but for now, I'm enjoying watching the sunrise and set day in and out and spending 14hours a day out in the fresh countryside air.

I'll perhaps go into further detail another day about my actual role if you're interested but for the most part, I drive a tractor pretty much every day - fun!

Following on from finding this amazing opportunity, as mentioned, I have met the love of my life, my soulmate, the apple of my- ok you get the idea. I met Daniel on my first day and in reality, I've spent about every day of the past 6 months working alongside him. It was about 3 months in of me being on the farm and during the height of the potato lifting season, Daniel told me his feelings towards me and the rest is history. He's an absolute dreamboat, to say the least, and we've already been on our first little holiday away which we did just before Christmas.

We decided to go away to Blackpool for a week to see the Illuminations and generally have a nosey! Whilst we were there we went up the top of Blackpool tower, visited Blackpool zoo and climbed a fell which was totally knackering. Safe to say we had a wonderful time away and I'm looking forward to seeing where we visit next.

I don't want this post to go on forever so I think I'll keep it to a minimum and perhaps follow up on some of the details another time. One thing I did want to mention is that I have missed this, writing about the fun stuff that happens in my life and I think I do want to do it more often again but instead of focusing on the fashion side of it all as my Instagram predominantly does, I want to live up to my blog name and write a journal from the country.

I hope you continue to follow along with me and read about my future countryside antics!

Speak again soon!

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